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What Are the Design Things to Plan Before Starting Your Bathroom Renovation?

What Are the Design Things to Plan Before Starting Your Bathroom Renovation

Renovations to bathrooms can disregard design. Budgeting and doing everything at once take up time and design suffers as a result. However, well-designed bathrooms are more livable and pleasant and feel more like homes. You may not like your bathroom as it is, but you might be unsure of what changes to make or features to implement. Think about these design suggestions before you begin pounding. 

Plan your sink height

Until you realise it’s off, the height of your bathroom sink doesn’t seem like a big deal. If you have to bend forward to use a wash basin that is either too short or too tall, it can be extremely inconvenient and potentially result in back pain. Ensure that the washbasin is positioned at precisely the right height by Future Bathrooms for you and your family. Too many people use your bathroom sink for the height to be an issue.

Choose great lighting

While lighting fixtures play a significant role in creating a beautiful bathroom aesthetic, choosing the right kind of illumination is even more crucial for maximising your mood when getting ready in the morning. A harsh, bright fluorescent light will make your new bathroom feel more like an office than a private haven, and it does little to improve your appearance in a bathroom mirror. To ensure that you feel good about your looks before you leave the house in the morning, try softening the lighting in the bathroom and making sure your vanity mirror is lighted specifically to help you look your best.

Choose fresh air

It is easy for mould and mildew to grow in a wet bathroom. Plan your bathroom renovations in Sydney so that there are many drying methods. Opening a few windows while taking a shower will significantly reduce the likelihood of mould growth and maintain a clean, fresh scent in your bathroom.

Plan your toilet placement

Plan to situate your toilet out of sight of the bathroom entrance so that it isn’t the focal point of the space for aesthetic and even feng shui reasons. If possible, hide the toilet from view; nobody wants to see it.

Consider a small bathtub and corner sink

Consider a little tub if you’d like to have one but don’t have much room. A bathroom renovation company in Sydney produces scaled-down versions of their well-known models for those of us with really small bathrooms. Consider installing a corner sink in place of a standard wall sink for more room and a more modern appearance. A corner washbasin optimises space, adds style, and facilitates traffic movement.

Colors, art, and accessories are important design components that will determine the overall feel and ambience of your new bathroom. So don’t overlook them during the design planning stage of your remodel. If you don’t pick your design components carefully, even a fantastic bathroom makeover might fall flat at the design stage. Choose your hues deliberately, thinking about what you want to be surrounded by multiple times a day in your alone time.

Connect With Us For The Bathroom Renovation Process

At Future Bathrooms, we offer you the best bathroom renovation services at affordable prices. We have a team with several years of experience in the field of bathroom and kitchen renovations. For more ideas and inspiration or to get your bathroom renovation project started, please contact us at 1300 861 419 or email us at

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